Billy Strange & The Challengers

This 1967 album is varied, but the orchestration is dated and lacks the guitar power one would expect from so many notables. There are a few numbers that rock, but I guess this album was a little too long after the peak of surf music for it to have the same kind of feel. A lot of people describe the Challenger's as sellouts, Dominic Priore saying they became "an easy-listening version of surf music, like wallpaper." Listening to albums like this, it's hard to argue with him, but there are still some charming elements, namely Strange's guitar playing, so I'm putting it up here.
Side 1:
01 - Work Song
02 - Somewhere My Love
03 - What If It Should Rain
04 - Love Is
05 - Bitter Taste Of Love
06 - Milord
Side 2:
07 - Can I Trust You
08 - Strangers In The Night
09 - Cast Your Fate To The Wind
10 - Stranger On The Shore
11 - Pretty Flamingo
12 - Solé Solé Solé
Great to see you back, some good stuff, keep 'em coming:)
I quite like this Lp. Don't know to much about the challengers, but I think it's not so bad! Thanks for the good work!
Well regardless of Dom Priore, who also hosts a great program at, I'm gonna play a track from this album on my OWN program there, "Space Patrol"!
it's the first time i come here...
great & nice collection of Bud records... thank for share these jewels.
Nice THX
Nice selection of Bud Shank albums! Would you happen to have the Let It Be album with the Bob Alcivar singers?
The side AB it's the same A
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